35th Autumn Festival

On Sunday, October 22nd, let's celebrate together the arrival of autumn in Vallebona!

We kick off the day with the 34th Scenic Walk of 10 kilometers, a non-competitive walk with a registration fee of 10 euros; participants will receive a souvenir and a first course upon arrival.

The program:

  • 9:15 AM: Holy Mass and the start of the walk
  • 12:00 PM: Typical dishes and good wine
  • In the afternoon: Games and great attractions, Estimation of Toma cheese, Charity fishing, Roasted chestnuts, and fruit.

And finally, the grand Tombola!!

Centro Ricreativo Sportivo Fabio taggiasco
Sunday, 22 October 2023
Ufficio Iat Piazza XX Settembre, 2
+39 0184 290572 | +39 333 1842084

stay in vallebona

Vallebona offers a unique experience for your holidays, it is a picturesque place rich in history, culture, and natural beauty; a peaceful and authentic environment.

Request information

Let's stay in touch

Ufficio di Informazione e Accoglienza Turistica IAT
Piazza XX Settembre, 2 - 18012 Vallebona (IM)

comune di vallebona

Via del Municipio n. 3 18012 Vallebona (IM) | Telefono: +39 0184 290572
email: comune@vallebona.info | pec: comune.vallebona.im@legalmail.it
C.F. 00153390083 - P.Iva: 00153390083

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