Art of Speech

Working together on speech with a common goal of giving represents a great opportunity for social and human experience, bringing warmth to the community and the children who receive it.

During the seminar, we will develop the work started in previous meetings on the art of drama, with the aim of staging and performing short theatrical texts for children on festive occasions.

Elena Sivieri graduated from the Waldorf Pedagogy Seminar in Milan and obtained a diploma in the art of speech from the “Free University of Science of the Spirit - Section of the Arts of Music and Speech” in Dornach. For 15 years, she worked as a drama and speech teacher at the Steiner High School in Milan. She teaches the art of speech at the training seminar of the Cometa School in Milan and provides training to teachers during the update week in Oriago.

Sala Polivalente
Saturday, 7 October 2023 > Sunday, 8 October 2023
Sabato 14:30 > 18.00 | domenica 9.00 > 12.00
Art of Speech
+39 347 490 4743

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