Conference: Unconditional Love, Jealousy, and Manipulation

Second meeting with the Holistic Operator Daiana Campain featuring the conference Unconditional Love, Jealousy, and Manipulation.

The proposed conference series offers a diverse thematic journey, allowing participation in individual sessions based on personal interest. It is crucial to underline that the inaugural conference has laid the foundation with key concepts, weaving a coherent thread that facilitates deeper understanding in subsequent sessions. These principles prove essential for enriching the overall conference cycle experience. To ensure that every participant can seamlessly integrate and effectively contribute to the discussions, a brief summary of the previously introduced fundamental concepts will be provided at the beginning of each meeting.

  • Tuesday, March 5, 2024: guilt and shame.
  • Tuesday, April 2, 2024: Unconditional love, jealousy, and manipulation
  • Tuesday, May 7, 2024: Narcissists, toxic relationships, and the fear of dying

More info

Tuesday, 2 April 2024
20.30 > 21.30
For the meetings, a participation fee of 20 Euros is required, or 15 Euros for groups (from 2 or more people). Each event requires a reservation.
+39 347 4189285

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Piazza XX Settembre, 2 - 18012 Vallebona (IM)
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