Opening of Via Roma 6, SpazioAttivo

Gloria Siccardi, a renowned make-up artist between Milan and the world, opens the doors of Via Roma 6, SpazioAttivo. A corner where art, fashion, creativity, and happy thoughts merge.

This space, imagined and created by Gloria, a local native, becomes a meeting point to discover emerging artists, participate in creative courses, and live unique experiences between style and culture.

You can also enjoy personalized make-up sessions and photographic portraits made by Gloria, in addition to creating connections and launching new projects.

Don't miss the opening on March 8, 2024, from 18:00! After a welcome aperitif, at 19:00 Gloria Siccardi and Claudia L. Pallanca will introduce us to the concept of the space.

Open until 20:00, with the first creative proposals:

  • personal exhibition of works by Angelina Rusin
  • personal exhibition of photographic portraits by Gloria Siccardi
  • exhibition of exclusive creations from the Atelier Daphné of Sanremo

On Saturday March 9, 2024, from 16:30 to 20:00, mini-sessions are offered instead of

  • facial stone massage treatment, by Silvia Lentini
  • advice on natural glowing makeup, by Gloria Siccardi
  • the latest hair trends interpreted by Tere Longo, owner of the Salon “Natural Style” Ventimiglia

For information

Via Roma 6
Friday, 8 March 2024 > Saturday, 9 March 2024
18.00 > 20.00 / 16.30 > 20.00
Opening of Via Roma 6, SpazioAttivo

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