Organ concert, first event of summer 2024

Sunday, July 7th, Vallebona will host the first of three organ concerts scheduled for the summer. Within the setting of the Parish Church of San Lorenzo, Maestro Michele Croese will perform a program that highlights the qualities of the Agati organ.

The audience will have the opportunity to hear the sound of the pipe organ, an instrument with a solemn and majestic tone. Maestro Croese, already known for his previous performances in Vallebona, has an impressive resume: graduated from the Conservatory with top honors, he participates in numerous concerts as a soloist and has a significant literary background.

The organ concerts in Vallebona offer an interesting opportunity to appreciate music in a suggestive context.

Some Curiosities About the Agati Organ

The organ of the Parish Church of Vallebona is a piece of great historical and artisanal value. Installed in 1850, it was made by the renowned Agati brothers of Pistoia. This instrument, an Agati Nicomede opera no. 384, represented the best available on the market at the time.

The transport of the organ was an extraordinary feat: packed in 24 crates, it was shipped by sea from Livorno to Nice. From there, it continued by boat to Ventimiglia and finally, with a journey by mule and by hand, it reached Vallebona. This long and complex journey reflects the importance attributed to the organ and the desire to equip the Church with an exceptional instrument.

Chiesa di San Lorenzo
Sunday, 7 July 2024
Organ concert, first event of summer 2024
Ufficio Iat Piazza XX Settembre, 2
+39 0184 290572 | +39 333 1842084

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Piazza XX Settembre, 2 - 18012 Vallebona (IM)
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