The Befana comes in the afternoon

Guaranteed fun for both adults and children: as is tradition in our village, a "real" Befana will brighten up the afternoon for the kids!

From 3:30 PM in Marconi Square at u fögu a snack with bread and chocolate will be offered while waiting for the arrival of the Befana, who will distribute chocolates and candies.
A fire-eater will animate the afternoon making it even more fun and captivating, with illusionism tricks that will capture the curiosity of the youngsters.
At dusk, around 5:30 PM, finally, the little Befana will be burned as a symbol of good luck on the "famous" fogu du bambin lit on Christmas night and guarded by the village volunteers.

This concludes the 2023/24 holiday calendar of the Municipality of Vallebona.

The event is organized by the Pro Loco, in collaboration with the Municipal Administration and the Cultural Association "A Cria".
Thanks to the ass. Iannàtampé for the entertainment.

Piazza Marconi
Saturday, 6 January 2024
Ufficio Iat Piazza XX Settembre, 2
+39 0184 290572 | +39 333 1842084

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Piazza XX Settembre, 2 - 18012 Vallebona (IM)
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