verità, bugie e fior d'arancio

Sunday, June 30 in Vallebona. The protagonist is the bitter orange blossom water, a Slow Food presidium of the Municipality of Vallebona produced by La vecchia distilleria.

In the afternoon, starting at 4:30 pm, in the center of Piazza dei 4 Elementi, a picturesque pan full of boiling oil placed right where the "u fogü du bambin" burns at Christmas, will fry the delicious bugie. We will witness the creation of this dessert, from the initial phases of preparation - with the flour placed in a circle - to the cooking thanks to the expert hands of the women of the village.

A lively and fragrant market of zero-kilometer products: orange blossom water, artisanal jams, olive oil, honey, essences, and other surprises, will welcome you in Piazza XX September, the heart of the village where you can enter and admire the Oratory dedicated to the Nativity of Mary.

A convivial chat among friends, a good glass of wine to enhance the fragrance of the dessert, and live music will cheer up the afternoon in an authentic and genuine atmosphere.

We look forward to seeing you!

An opportunity to be together and get to know Vallebona better, which speaks of traditions, culture, hands, and smells of flour, eggs, and citrus.

Watch the video by Francesco Bianchi (@PonenteLigureTradizioni) and learn more about the bitter orange blossom.

Piazza dei 4 elementi
Sunday, 30 June 2024
verità, bugie e fior d'arancio
Ufficio Iat Piazza XX Settembre, 2
+39 0184 290572 | +39 333 1842084

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Vallebona offers a unique experience for your holidays, it is a picturesque place rich in history, culture, and natural beauty; a peaceful and authentic environment.

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Ufficio di Informazione e Accoglienza Turistica IAT
Piazza XX Settembre, 2 - 18012 Vallebona (IM)
comune di vallebona

Via del Municipio n. 3 18012 Vallebona (IM) | Telefono: +39 0184 290572
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